Acting Techniques Intensive Seminar ATIS explores the bridge between acting techniques and the imagination, composition and creation.
ATIS has been directed by Prof Grzegorz Ziółkowski and led by him and his collaborators, Maciej Zakrzewski and Maria Bohdziewicz, at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań since September 2012.
ATIS is:
• highly practical and exploratory
• addressed to those international artists, researchers and students who wish to study acting and theatre
• for those who would like to deepen their understanding of human creativity and expression.
ATIS is dedicated to the study of the performer’s elementary and advanced skills, such as the ability to:
• be open to dialogue and sharing with others
• integrate action, silence, sound, speech and song
• react swiftly and precisely to impulses which come from partners, literary and other texts, images, music, space and nature as well as from the inner sphere of associations, the imagination and from memories.
Between 2012 and 2017 ten seminars have been held in Poznań and Brzezinka (the forest location of the Grotowski Institute in Wrocław) and at Universidad de Playa Ancha in Valparaíso (Chile) for over eighty people (with some of them participating several times) from the following countries: Armenia, Catalonia, Chile, Cyprus, England, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Spain, Turkey, and the United States.
The ATIS seminars result in – among others – acting miniatures such as Veronica’s Double by Andrea Madrid Mora from Barcelona and Abel and Kain by Mohammad Reza Aliakbari and Samaneh Zandinejad from Tehran, created as part of the ATIS NICHE (2015–16). The ATIS has also become a theatre incubator for performances by the participants, an example of which is Small House for the Dead created by Csongor Köllő from the Shoshin Theatre Association (Romania) and Grzegorz Ziółkowski with texts by Salvatore Quasimodo and Tadeusz Różewicz and viola da gamba music performed alive by Soma Salat-Zakariás from the Little Light Consort (Switzerland). This piece has been presented in English and in Hungarian in Romania and Poland. In this line of work there is also the performative lecture Persona: the Lucidity of the Performer’s Path created as part Performer Persona Project by Claudio Santana Bórquez from Universidad de Playa Ancha in Valparaíso (Chile), who consulted his work with Grzegorz Ziółkowski in 2016.